Constantin Dulcan

The Intelligence of Matter

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97 Lei

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Specificații The Intelligence of Matter

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Scoala Ardeleana
Constantin Dulcan
Anul publicării

Rezumat The Intelligence of Matter - Constantin Dulcan

Prof. Dr. Dumitru Constantin Dulcan, MD, came to the attention of the general public especially after the publication, in 1981, of the first edition of this book, The Intelligence of Matter, which immediately became a bestseller. In 1992, the book was awarded the "Vasile Conta" Prize for Philosophy of the Romanian Academy. An impressive volume of information, extracted from the foremost areas of knowledge, is admirably synthesized in a unified, easily accessible work, written in a clear and attractive style. The path of matter from the first wave of light to the moment when, through the human brain, it can become self-aware - this is the content of the book The Intelligence of Matter. - Scoala Ardeleana Publishing House Like humans, books also have their destiny, with a possible success upon appearance, a longevity according to the interest aroused, and a forgetfulness somewhere in the dust of a nook. My book’s constant persistence in the public consciousness was a surprise to me. Since its release, it has had a wide audience. The great accomplishment seemed to be the reception of the book by both fierce materialists and leading theologians. And that’s because, naturally, I did not intend to pass judgement, to answer all the questions to which I did not yet have an answer, but to call into question the relationship between science and religion in the modern world. We are here, in this corner of the Universe, the ultimate expression of evolution. The hand of an intelligent and unseen architect took us out of the clay and built us according to a plan from which the uniqueness of the source, step by step, is transfigured to the level of the brain capable of thinking about itself. Everything that happened has happened for us. We are the result of all the happy and sad events that preceded us and the cause of those that will follow us. We are the ones who leave behind the splendors of the spirit and the ruins of nothingness, because man is the only being on Earth to whom it was given to be involved in nature’s endeavor through the extension of his intelligence. This is his responsibility of being. Man cannot just live, he cannot just have a passive existence. With or without his will, he engages in the physics of the Universe. Through thoughts, through action, through his good deeds, through his evil deeds. When this truth transfixes us, it is only then, in the astral moment of our becoming, that the light of intelligence that has found itself after a long wandering on the paths of the Universe will light up in ourselves. - Dumitru Constantin-Dulcan

Detalii produs
Despre Constantin Dulcan
Constantin Dulcan
Dumitru Constantin Dulcan este un nume cunoscut in domeniul medicinei si al spiritualitatii in Romania. Este un medic neurolog si psihiatru renumit, dar si un autor prolific si un vorbitor inspirat. Activitatea sa acopera o gama larga de subiecte, de la medicina si neurologie pana la filozofie si spiritualitate.

Dumitru Constantin Dulcan este apreciat in special pentru abordarea sa holistica si integratoare a medicinei, in care el imbina cunostintele stiintifice cu aspectele filozofice si spirituale ale existentei umane. El sustine ca pentru a intelege deplin natura umana si functionarea creierului, este necesar sa ne deschidem si sa exploram dimensiunile non-materiale ale fiintei.

Ca autor, Dumitru Constantin Dulcan a scris o serie de carti care au avut un impact semnificativ in randul cititorilor interesati de medicina, neurologie si spiritualitate. Una dintre cele mai cunoscute lucrari ale sale este ""Inteligenta materiei"", in care exploreaza relatia dintre creier si constiinta, oferind o perspectiva inovatoare asupra functionarii si potentialului uman.

Pe platforma, cartile lui Dumitru Constantin Dulcan au castigat popularitate si apreciere din partea publicului. Prin scrierile sale captivante si accesibile, el reuseste sa transmita concepte complexe intr-un limbaj clar si intelegator. Cartile sale abordeaza subiecte precum evolutia constiintei umane, relatia dintre minte si corp, importanta autocunoasterii si calatoria interioara catre o viata plina de sens.

Dumitru Constantin Dulcan este, de asemenea, un vorbitor public remarcabil. Participa la conferinte, simpozioane si evenimente in care impartaseste cunostintele sale si ofera perspective inspirate asupra vietii si a existentei umane. Discursurile sale sunt marcate de intelepciunea sa profunda, de abordarea holistica si de incurajarea oamenilor de a-si explora potentialul si de a trai o viata autentica si inteleapta.
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