My Country. The Country That I Love
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Specificații My Country. The Country That I Love
Rezumat My Country. The Country That I Love
The Queen of a small Country!
Those who are accustomed to see rulers of greater lands can little understand what it means.
It means work and anxiety and hope, and great toiling for small results. But the field is large, and, if the heart be willing, great is the work.
When young I thought it all work, uphill work; but the passing years brought another knowledge, a blessed knowledge, and now I know.
This is a small country, a new country, but it is a country I love. I want others to love it also; therefore listen to a few words about it. Let me paint a few pictures, draw a few sketches as I have seen them, first with my eyes, then with my heart.

My Country. The Country That I Love
- Dimensiune 130x200
- Număr pagini 272
- Editura Predania
- Anul publicării 2022
- ISBN 9786068195995
- Scor Bestseller #506 în categoria Memorii, biografii si jurnale#11752 în categoria Carti
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