James Patterson

The No. 1 Lawyer

PRP: 61.9 Lei TVA PRP: Prețul Recomandat de Producător. Prețul de vânzare al produsului este afișat în culoare roșie.
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The No. 1 Lawyer 5% 50.00 2.50
52.5 Lei

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Specificații The No. 1 Lawyer

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James Patterson
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Rezumat The No. 1 Lawyer - James Patterson

Discover the exciting stand-alone twisty courtroom drama from the world’s bestselling thriller writer, perfect for fans of John Grisham. ‘Simply put: nobody does it better.' Jeffery Deaver'No one gets this big without amazing natural storytelling talent - which is what Jim has, in spades.' Lee Child'James Patterson is The Boss. End of.' Ian Rankin'One of the greatest storytellers of all time' Patricia Cornwell---------------------------He’s never lost a case.

But can he outwit a killer?Stafford Lee Penney is the best defence lawyer in Mississippi - he's never lost a case. Until now. Hot on the heels of his latest courtroom victory, his wife is brutally murdered.

Devastated, Stafford Lee spirals into a losing streak that forces him to abandon his once brilliant career. But his wife's killer is still on the loose and they seem determined to frame Stafford Lee for their crimes. Rising from rock bottom, he makes a bold return to court - to defend himself in the biggest murder trial this town has ever seen.

Stafford Lee must crack the toughest case of his career. And this time, it's personal. ---------------------------Readers can’t get enough of The No.

1 Lawyer…***** ‘Like any other James Patterson book, this one is filled with great characters and a fast-paced story along with suspense that will leave you guessing until the end.’***** ‘You just can’t go wrong with James Patterson … His books are super-fast paced filled with very short cliff hanging chapters, suspense, action, and twists!’***** ‘I’ve been a James Patterson fan for years and this has to go in my top ten of favourites ever! A startling new set of characters and a storyline that kept me thinking even what I wasn’t reading. I turned the pages so fast it was crazy!***** ‘Another winner … From start to finish, I was completely absorbed in this story. A legal thriller set in Biloxi, say no more!!’Bestselling global thriller author, Circana BookScan, November 2024

Detalii produs
Despre James Patterson
James Patterson
JAMES PATTERSON este autorul cu cele mai multe bestsellere #1, conform Guinness World Records. Este creatorul unor personaje și serii de neuitat, precum Alex Cross, Women’s Murder Club, Jane Smith, Maximum Ride . A scris povestirile adevărate ale unor personalități precum John F. Kennedy, John Lennon și Tiger Woods, precum și ale eroilor militari, ofițerilor de poliție și asistentelor din sistemul medical de urgențe. Este coautor al bestsellerelor #1 semnate de Bill Clinton și Dolly Parton, și-a spus povestea vieții în James Patterson by James Patterson și a primit un Premiu Edgar, zece Premii Emmy, Premiul Literarian al National Book Foundation și medalia National Humanities. Cărțile sale s-au vândut în peste 425 de milioane de exemplare.
Autorul cărților:
Al 5-lea calaret, Detectivul Alex Cross, Justitia lui Cross, Eu, haios! Scoala de comedie, Jurnalul unui câine poznaș, VaHAMta frumoasa! Seria Jurnalul unui caine poznas Vol.2, Max Einstein Vol. 2 Rebeli cu o cauză, Max Einstein Vol. 1 Experiment de geniu, Pericol pe Nil - Seria Vanatorii de comori Vol. 2, Secretul orasului interzis - Seria Vanatorii de comori Vol. 3, Primejdii in varful lumii - Seria Vanatorii de comori Vol. 4 , Goana catre orasul de aur - Seria Vanatorii de comori Vol. 5, O aventura americana - Seria Vanatorii de comori Vol. 6, Pericol pe Nil - Seria Vanatorii de comori Vol. 2 , Prada de la antipozi - Seria Vanatorii de comori Vol.7, MIROSiune IMPOSIBILĂ. Seria Jurnalul unui caine poznas Vol.3, Vanatorii de comori - Seria Vanatorii de comori Vol. 1, Pachet "Vanatorii de comori" Vol. 1-7, Confesiunile unei suspecte de crima, Tocilarii, împreună pentru totdeauna, Jurnalul unui caine poznas Vol.4: O ancheta HAMtastica, Vanatorii de comori. Comoara pierduta a templierilor, Vanatorii de comori Vol.3: Secretul orasului interzis, FIFTY FIFTY. Valea ultimei sanse, Ultimele zile din viata lui John Lennon, Spaima Mâțelor, Vanatorii de comori Vol.4: Primejdii in varful lumii, Vanatorii de comori Vol.5: Goana dupa orasul de aur, Vânătorii de comori: Cea mai tare aventură!, 12 Months to Live : A Jane Smith Thriller, The House of Cross : (Alex Cross 32), Alex Cross Must Die : (Alex Cross 31), Confessions of the Dead, The 24th Hour, Crosshairs : (Michael Bennett 16), Holmes, Margaret and Poe, The House of Cross : (Alex Cross 32) 1, The No. 1 Lawyer

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