Feng Shui for writers. How to master your writing life
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Specificații Feng Shui for writers. How to master your writing life
Rezumat Feng Shui for writers. How to master your writing life - M.C. Simon
The fully illustrated, comprehensive Feng Shui for writers shows you how to use the ancient technique of Feng Shui to organize around you the energies in such a way to successfully influence your writing mood and skills. And most of all, the book points out how to build a deep relation with your personal Muse. The book will not give you advice on writing techniques. Instead, it will provide you with all the dots that you have to connect so you can play with the energies, without having deep knowledge of Feng Shui. You will not need to draw complicated Feng Shui maps that will only succeed to make you dizzy and finally necessitate you to call a Feng Shui specialist to have them tell you exactly what you need to do. To find the harmony in your writing place and to increase your creativity, you - the writer - will need to apply the productivity principles combined with a design and layout that is suitable for the nature of the writing process. And here are the steps in the ancient art of Feng Shui. The writer’s Chi has to find a balance that will influence your creativity each moment. Depending on the field of interest in which you as an author work in, there can be various solutions to control the flowing Chi. This book does not intend to address the writer’s work or artistic skills but rather it addresses each writing category. We have to do this because what is harmony for a romantic novel writer is different from what is harmony for a journalist writer, and for sure very different than for the writer writing for the horror domain. You already got the idea. To bring the Feng Shui technique into the writer’s life, it is not enough to merely explain general principles and ideas; we have to dig deeper because the branches of writing are so numerous.

Feng Shui for writers. How to master your writing life
- Dimensiune 130x200
- Număr pagini 208
- Editura Quarto
- Autor M.C. Simon
- Anul publicării 2021
- Limba Limba engleza
- ISBN 9786069506509
- Scor Bestseller

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