Constantin Paidos

English Grammar. Theory and Practice Vol 1+2+3

PRP: 75 Lei TVA PRP: Prețul Recomandat de Producător. Prețul de vânzare al produsului este afișat în culoare roșie.
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English Grammar. Theory and Practice Vol 1+2+3 5% 67.52 3.38
70.9 Lei

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Specificații English Grammar. Theory and Practice Vol 1+2+3

Constantin Paidos
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Rezumat English Grammar. Theory and Practice Vol 1+2+3 - Constantin Paidos

English Grammar. Theory and Practice - Vol.1 + Vol.2 + Vol.3Volumul 1: 197 paginiVolumul 2: 239 paginiVolumul 3: 75 paginiTrei volume care sintetizeaza gramatica limbii engleze si contin numeroase exercitii, precum si solutiile acestora:1. The Verb2. The Noun, The Article, The Adjective, The Pronoun, The Numeral, The Adverb, The Preposition, The Conjunction, The Interjection3. Key to ExercisesIn primele doua volume, cei interesati gasesc, pe linga notiuni fundamentale de morfologie si sintaxa, exercitii cu diferite grade de dificultate. Pentru verificarea raspunsurilor la teste, volumul al treilea va ofera cheia celor mai dificile exercitii.English Grammar poate fi folosita de toti cei care doresc sa-si perfectioneze sau sa-si aprofundeze cunostintele de limba engleza, dar si de cei interesati de subtilitatile ei la un nivel avansat.Fragment din carte:„15. Complete the following sentences using should:1. It is necessary that ... 2. It was important that ... 3. It is natural that ... 4. It is advisable that ... 5. It was surprising that ... 6. It was unbelievable that ... 7. It is strange that ... 8. It is impossible that ... 9. It was unusual that ... 10. It is inconceivable that ...16. Translate the following sentences containing subjunctives with should into Romanian:1. He didn't switch on the light lest his wife should wake up. 2. Do you consider it right that these people should be treated like that? 3. They were surprised that you should have been seen there at that time. 4. She left orders that it should be changed at once. 5. It is inconceivable that she should not have known anything about it. 6. She is shocked that such a thing should have happened in her house. 7. It is quite wrong that people should be forced to say what they don't want to. 8. You insisted that she should be present, too. 9. She suggests that our work be finished at once. 10. I propose she should be asked to resign.17. Translate the following sentences into English using should + Infinitive:1. A cerut sa i se dea o alta camera. 2. Ei au solicitat sa-l vada pe director. 3. I-am sugerat sa incerce o alta pereche de pantofi. 4. Le-am propus sa astepte acolo o jumatate de ora. 5. Am sfatuit-o sa ia toate medicamentele. 6. Ai insistat ca toti sa fim prezenti acolo la ora zece. 7. Am hotarat ca toate robinetele sa fie inlocuite. 8. I-am ordonat sa nu se miste. 9. De ce sa-i asteptati aici? 10. Am recomandat ca ei sa repete toate cuvintele.„
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Despre Constantin Paidos
Constantin Paidos
BOOKZONE iti pune la dispozitie toate cartile scrise de catre Constantin Paidos inclusiv volume lansate in exclusivitate, carti in limba engleza si noutati. Constantin Paidos se bucura de un succes rasunator la nivelul international, cu zeci de mii de exemplare vandute din fiecare carte. Felul in care scrie si contureaza personajele reprezinta principalele atuuri ale Constantin Paidos. Fiecare carte scrisa de Constantin Paidos este citita cu drag de mii de oameni.
Poti gasi toate cartile scrie de catre Constantin Paidos in categoria Constantin Paidos astfel incat ai ocazia sa toate cartile indragite de catre cititori pana acum.
Autorul cărților:
Grammar for kids. Volumul 1, English Grammar. Theory and Practice Vol 1+2+3, Grammar for kids: the Verb. Volumul 2

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