The Wealth Money Can't Buy : The 8 Hidden Habits to Live Your Richest Life
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Specificații The Wealth Money Can't Buy : The 8 Hidden Habits to Live Your Richest Life
Rezumat The Wealth Money Can't Buy : The 8 Hidden Habits to Live Your Richest Life - Robin Sharma
*NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER* A REVOLUTIONARY METHOD TO BECOME TRULY WEALTHYThe Wealth Money Can't Buy offers you a completely life-changing new philosophy and methodology for enjoying an honestly rich life, one filled with personal power, authenticity, exceptionally fulfilling work and a beautiful lifestyle that will cause you to feel like real fortune has finally smiled on you. Based on The 8 Forms of Wealth learning model that Robin Sharma - legendary personal growth expert and famed mentor to billionaires, professional sports superstars and heads of state - has taught to his clients with transformational results, this masterwork is sure to become your daily guide to enjoying the lifetime of your highest dreams. Discover the hidden habits to live your richest life and avoid the lasting regrets of potential unfulfilled.
'Robin Sharma has been an amazing mentor to me. He is a major influencer of our time' - Deepak Chopra

The Wealth Money Can't Buy : The 8 Hidden Habits to Live Your Richest Life
- Dimensiune 150x230
- Număr pagini 416
- Editura Ebury Publishing
- Autor Robin Sharma
- Anul publicării 2024
- ISBN 9781846048296
- Scor Bestseller #108 în categoria Carti in limba engleza#17186 în categoria Carti

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