Roxie Nafousi


PRP: 127.5 Lei TVA PRP: Prețul Recomandat de Producător. Prețul de vânzare al produsului este afișat în culoare roșie.
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Manifest 5% 103.33 5.17
108.5 Lei

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Specificații Manifest

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Penguin Books Ltd
Roxie Nafousi
Anul publicării

Rezumat Manifest - Roxie Nafousi

CHANGE YOUR LIFE IN 2025 – AND BEYOND – WITH THE INSTANT SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER***Manifest is the Cambridge dictionary 'Word of the Year' 2024***The millennial answer to The Secret' VOGUE'The ultimate queen of manifesting' GLAMOUR UK'A roadmap for a more positive way of life' FINANCIAL TIMES*AS SEEN ON THIS MORNING*________MANIFEST is the original and essential guide for anyone wanting to feel more empowered and be more intentional in their life. Self-development coach and 'Queen of Manifesting' Roxie Nafousi shows how in just seven simple steps you can understand the true art of manifestation and learn how to create the life you have always dreamed of. Whether you want to attract your soulmate, find the perfect job or your dream home, or simply discover more inner-peace and confidence, MANIFEST will teach you exactly how to get there in just 7 steps .

. . 1.

Be clear in your vision2. Remove fear and doubt3. Align your behaviour4.

Overcome tests from the universe5. Embrace gratitude without caveats6. Turn envy into inspiration7.

Trust in the universeA meeting of science and wisdom, manifesting is a philosophy and a self-development practice to help you reach for your goals, recognize your worth and live your best life. Unlock the magic for yourself and begin your journey to turning your dreams into reality. ________'The face of manifesting in Britain' THE TIMES'The essential guide to anyone and everyone wanting to feel more empowered in their lives' GLAMOUR UK'With her books continuing to inspire readers, Roxie’s proving that manifesting is more than just a word—it’s a way of life' HELLO FASHION'Buy the book, do the work, and watch your life change' ***** Reader Review'The 'go-to' manifesting handbook' ***** Reader Review*Sunday Times bestseller, August 2023

Detalii produs
Despre Roxie Nafousi
Roxie Nafousi
Roxie Nafousi este o personalitate cunoscuta si inspirationala in domeniul stilului de viata sanatos, al dezvoltarii personale si al frumusetii interioare. Ca autor, blogger si antrenor de viata, ea isi impartaseste experienta si cunostintele in domeniul dezvoltarii personale si al bunastarii.

Roxie Nafousi a castigat popularitate prin intermediul blogului si prezentei sale pe platformele de social media, unde isi impartaseste sfaturi, ganduri si idei despre modul de a trai o viata echilibrata si implinita. Abordarea sa se concentreaza pe frumusetea interioara, autoingrijire, acceptarea de sine si dezvoltarea unui mindset pozitiv.

In ceea ce priveste dezvoltarea personala, Roxie Nafousi pune un accent deosebit pe autocunoastere, autocompasiune si gestionarea emotiilor. Prin scrierile sale, ea incurajeaza cititorii sa-si exploreze potentialul, sa-si depaseasca limitele si sa-si urmeze pasiunile, astfel incat sa traiasca o viata autentica si implinita.

Ca antrenor de viata, Roxie Nafousi ofera sprijin si indrumare personalizata celor care doresc sa-si transforme viata si sa atinga obiectivele lor. Ea isi ajuta clientii sa-si descopere valorile, sa-si dezvolte increderea in sine si sa-si creeze un plan de actiune pentru a-si atinge visele si aspiratiile.

In plus, Roxie Nafousi a scris si publicat o carte intitulata ""The Roxy Handbook: The Ultimate Guide to Self-Care, Mindset, and Inspiration"", care a devenit un succes in randul cititorilor in cautarea de solutii pentru a-si imbunatati starea de bine si a-si descoperi potentialul.

Prin intermediul platformelor sale online, precum si prin prelegeri si evenimente, Roxie Nafousi isi impartaseste mesajele si invataturile sale, inspirand si motivand oamenii sa-si traiasca viata intr-un mod autentic, echilibrat si implinit.

Cu un stil de comunicare sincer si autentic, Roxie Nafousi reuseste sa creeze o conexiune profunda cu publicul sau si sa ofere invataturi practice si motivationale pentru o viata plina de fericire, implinire si succes in toate domeniile.

Aceasta descriere incearca sa evidentieze contributiile si abordarea lui Roxie Nafousi in domeniul dezvoltarii personale, bunastarii si frumusetii interioare.
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