Stephen King
It (limba engleaza)
Limba engleza
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It (limba engleaza) | 5% | 71.57 | 3.58 |
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Specificații It (limba engleaza)
Număr pagini
Hodder & Stoughton
Stephen King
Anul publicării
Limba engleza
Rezumat It (limba engleaza) - Stephen King
Now with a stunning new cover look, King's classic No. 1 bestseller and the basis for the massively successful films It: Chapter One and It: Chapter Two as well as the inspiration for HBO Max's upcoming Welcome to Derry. We all float down here.
Derry, Maine is just an ordinary town: familiar, well-ordered for the most part, a good place to live. It is a group of children who see - and feel - what makes Derry so horribly different. In the storm drains, in the sewers, IT lurks, taking on the shape of every nightmare, each one's deepest dread.
Sometimes IT appears as an evil clown named Pennywise and sometimes IT reaches up, seizing, tearing, killing . . .
Time passes and the children grow up, move away and forget. Until they are called back, once more to confront IT as IT stirs and coils in the sullen depths of their memories, emerging again to make their past nightmares a terrible present reality.
Derry, Maine is just an ordinary town: familiar, well-ordered for the most part, a good place to live. It is a group of children who see - and feel - what makes Derry so horribly different. In the storm drains, in the sewers, IT lurks, taking on the shape of every nightmare, each one's deepest dread.
Sometimes IT appears as an evil clown named Pennywise and sometimes IT reaches up, seizing, tearing, killing . . .
Time passes and the children grow up, move away and forget. Until they are called back, once more to confront IT as IT stirs and coils in the sullen depths of their memories, emerging again to make their past nightmares a terrible present reality.

Detalii produs
It (limba engleaza)
- Dimensiune 197x129x50
- Număr pagini 1088
- Editura Hodder & Stoughton
- Autor Stephen King
- Anul publicării 2011
- Limba Limba engleza
- ISBN 9781444707861
- Scor Bestseller #184 în categoria Carti in limba engleza#17509 în categoria Carti
Despre Stephen King

BOOKZONE iti pune la dispozitie toate cartile scrise de catre
Stephen King inclusiv volume lansate in exclusivitate, carti
in limba engleza si noutati. Stephen King se bucura de un
succes rasunator la nivelul international, cu zeci de mii de
exemplare vandute din fiecare carte. Felul in care scrie si
contureaza personajele reprezinta principalele atuuri ale
Stephen King. Fiecare carte scrisa de
Stephen King este citita cu drag de mii de oameni.
Poti gasi toate cartile scrie de catre Stephen King in categoria Stephen King astfel incat ai ocazia sa toate cartile indragite de catre cititori pana acum.
Poti gasi toate cartile scrie de catre Stephen King in categoria Stephen King astfel incat ai ocazia sa toate cartile indragite de catre cititori pana acum.
Autorul cărților:
Frumoasele adormite, Shining, Misery (ed. 2020), Institutul, Apocalipsa - editura NEMIRA, Mobilul, Salem's Lot, Anotimpuri diferite, Carrie, Christine, Mai târziu, Cantecul lui Susannah. Seria Turnul intunecat Vol. 6, Lupii din Calla. Seria Turnul intunecat Vol. 5, Doctor Sleep, Cimitirul animalelor, Tinuturile pustii. Seria Turnul Intunecat Vol.3, Povestea lui Lisey, Billy Summers, Culoarul morţii, Despre scris. Autobiografia unui meșteșug, Sub dom Vol. 1, Sub dom Vol. 2, Un strop de sânge, Un basm, Cujo, Focul viu, Holly, Mr. Mercedes (Seria Bill Hodges, partea I, ed. 2023), Ce-am gasit al meu sa fie (Seria BILL HODGES, partea a II-a, ed. 2024), Mort la datorie (Seria BILL HODGES, partea a III-a, ed. 2024), Îți place mai întunecat, The Shining, Pet Sematary : King's #1 bestseller – soon to be a major motion picture, Carrie (limba engleza), Misery, It (limba engleaza), Fairy Tale, Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption : On the 30th Anniversary of the iconic movie, one of the most popular in film history, Holly : The No. 1 Bestseller, now in paperback, Pistolarul - ediție sprayed edges , Alegerea celor trei - ediție sprayed edges
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