Where's Molly
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Specificații Where's Molly
Rezumat Where's Molly - H. D. Carlton
Instant NYT Bestselling AuthorUSA Today Bestselling AuthorViral Booktok SensationA spinoff of the Cat & Mouse Duet... “Molly Devereaux has been missing for more than two weeks, and police are still searching for the girl who seemed to vanish out of thin air. The world still wants to know...
Where's Molly?” In my dreams, I never escaped the Oregon woods. Life after death isn't easy to accept, especially when I still feel like a ghost. Now, I live deep in the mountains of Montana—the paradigm of beauty.
But they are also the home of horrors. Horrors that I only unleash at night. When my pigs are allowed to feast.
It is strongly recommended to read Haunting Adeline and Hunting Adeline before reading Where's Molly. Important Note: This is a dark romance that contains dark subject matter. Please refer to the author's website for content warnings

Where's Molly
- Dimensiune 139x215
- Număr pagini 256
- Editura Zando
- Autor H. D. Carlton
- Anul publicării 2024
- ISBN 9781638932482
- Scor Bestseller #814 în categoria Carti fictiune in limba engleza#1242 în categoria Carti in limba engleza#23873 în categoria Carti

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