The man with three minds and other meaningful tales
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Specificații The man with three minds and other meaningful tales
Rezumat The man with three minds and other meaningful tales - Răzvan Năstase
Children and adults alike will discover the magical world of Romanian folk tales. They have been retold by Răzvan Năstase, who kept their weaving as magical as the original writers and folklorists intended. Răzvan Năstase is himself a writer in love with childrens literature and, by retelling, abridging and adapting them, he made sure they will be read. They are as enchanting and captivating as they were a hundred, maybe a thousand years ago. With her beautiful drawings, Yanna Zosmer brings to life old characters for a new generation.

The man with three minds and other meaningful tales
- Dimensiune 190x235
- Număr pagini 132
- Editura Curtea Veche
- Autor Răzvan Năstase
- Anul publicării 2019
- ISBN 9786064402455
- Scor Bestseller #30 în categoria Carti in limbi straine#872 în categoria Carti 9-12+ ani#890 în categoria Povesti si povestiri#1319 în categoria Carti 6-8 ani#3123 în categoria Carti pentru copii#12337 în categoria Carti

Poti gasi toate cartile scrie de catre Răzvan Năstase in categoria Răzvan Năstase astfel incat ai ocazia sa toate cartile indragite de catre cititori pana acum.
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