Terry Pratchett
The Colour Of Magic : (Discworld Novel 1)
Limba engleza
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Specificații The Colour Of Magic : (Discworld Novel 1)
Număr pagini
Transworld Publishers Ltd
Terry Pratchett
Anul publicării
Limba engleza
Rezumat The Colour Of Magic : (Discworld Novel 1) - Terry Pratchett
'His spectacular inventiveness makes the Discworld series one of the perennial joys of modern fiction' Mail on SundayNAMED AS ONE OF THE BBC'S 100 MOST INSPIRING NOVELS The Discworld is very much like our own - if our own were to consist of a flat planet balanced on the back of four elephants which stand on the back of a giant turtle, that is . . .
____________________In the beginning there was…a turtle. Somewhere on the frontier between thought and reality exists the Discworld, a parallel time and place which might sound and smell very much like our own, but which looks completely different. Particularly as it’s carried though space on the back of a giant turtle (sex unknown).
It plays by different rules. But then, some things are the same everywhere. The Disc’s very existence is about to be threatened by a strange new blight: the world’s first tourist, upon whose survival rests the peace and prosperity of the land.
Unfortunately, the person charged with maintaining that survival in the face of robbers, mercenaries and, well, Death, is a spectacularly inept wizard…____________________The Discworld novels can be read in any order but The Colour of Magic is the first book in the Wizards series.
____________________In the beginning there was…a turtle. Somewhere on the frontier between thought and reality exists the Discworld, a parallel time and place which might sound and smell very much like our own, but which looks completely different. Particularly as it’s carried though space on the back of a giant turtle (sex unknown).
It plays by different rules. But then, some things are the same everywhere. The Disc’s very existence is about to be threatened by a strange new blight: the world’s first tourist, upon whose survival rests the peace and prosperity of the land.
Unfortunately, the person charged with maintaining that survival in the face of robbers, mercenaries and, well, Death, is a spectacularly inept wizard…____________________The Discworld novels can be read in any order but The Colour of Magic is the first book in the Wizards series.

Detalii produs
The Colour Of Magic : (Discworld Novel 1)
- Dimensiune 129x198x19
- Număr pagini 288
- Editura Transworld Publishers Ltd
- Autor Terry Pratchett
- Anul publicării 2012
- Limba Limba engleza
- ISBN 9780552166591
- Scor Bestseller #628 în categoria Carti fictiune in limba engleza#948 în categoria Carti in limba engleza#21301 în categoria Carti
Despre Terry Pratchett

BOOKZONE iti pune la dispozitie toate cartile scrise de catre
Terry Pratchett inclusiv volume lansate in exclusivitate, carti
in limba engleza si noutati. Terry Pratchett se bucura de un
succes rasunator la nivelul international, cu zeci de mii de
exemplare vandute din fiecare carte. Felul in care scrie si
contureaza personajele reprezinta principalele atuuri ale
Terry Pratchett. Fiecare carte scrisa de
Terry Pratchett este citita cu drag de mii de oameni.
Poti gasi toate cartile scrie de catre Terry Pratchett in categoria Terry Pratchett astfel incat ai ocazia sa toate cartile indragite de catre cititori pana acum.
Poti gasi toate cartile scrie de catre Terry Pratchett in categoria Terry Pratchett astfel incat ai ocazia sa toate cartile indragite de catre cititori pana acum.
Autorul cărților:
A Stroke of the Pen : The Lost Stories, Nastrusnicul motan Maurice , Semne bune , Formidabilul Maurice si oastea rozatoarelor savante, The Colour Of Magic : (Discworld Novel 1), Good Omens
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