John Grisham
Sooley : The Gripping Bestseller from John Grisham
Limba engleza
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Specificații Sooley : The Gripping Bestseller from John Grisham
Număr pagini
Hodder & Stoughton
John Grisham
Anul publicării
Limba engleza
Rezumat Sooley : The Gripping Bestseller from John Grisham - John Grisham
***THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER***'A master of plotting and pacing' - New York Times'With every new book I appreciate John Grisham a little more, for his compassion for the underdog, and his willingness to strike out in new directions' - Entertainment WeeklyONE MAN. ONE HOPE. ONCE CHANCE TO BECOME A LEGEND.
ONE MAN Seventeen-year-old Samuel Sooleyman comes from a village in South Sudan, a war-torn country where one third of the population is a refugee. His great love is basketball: his prodigious leap and lightning speed make him an exceptional player. And it may also bring him his big chance: he has been noticed by a coach taking a youth team to the United States.
ONE HOPE If he gets through the tournament, Samuel's life will change beyond recognition. But it's the longest of long shots. His talent is raw and uncoached.
There are hundreds of better-known players ahead of him. And he must leave his family behind, at least at the beginning. ONE CHANCE As American success beckons, devastating news reaches Samuel from home.
Caught between his dream and the nightmare unfolding thousands of miles away, 'Sooley', as he's nicknamed by his classmates, must make hard choices about his future. This quiet, dedicated boy must do what no other player has achieved in the history of his chosen game: become a legend in twelve short months. Global bestseller John Grisham takes you to a different kind of court in this gripping and incredibly moving novel that showcases his storytelling powers in an entirely new light.
'Grisham's books are smart, imaginative, and funny, populated by complex interesting people' - The Washington Post'A superb, instinctive storyteller' - The Times350+ million copies, 45 languages, 9 blockbuster films:NO ONE WRITES DRAMA LIKE JOHN GRISHAM
ONE MAN Seventeen-year-old Samuel Sooleyman comes from a village in South Sudan, a war-torn country where one third of the population is a refugee. His great love is basketball: his prodigious leap and lightning speed make him an exceptional player. And it may also bring him his big chance: he has been noticed by a coach taking a youth team to the United States.
ONE HOPE If he gets through the tournament, Samuel's life will change beyond recognition. But it's the longest of long shots. His talent is raw and uncoached.
There are hundreds of better-known players ahead of him. And he must leave his family behind, at least at the beginning. ONE CHANCE As American success beckons, devastating news reaches Samuel from home.
Caught between his dream and the nightmare unfolding thousands of miles away, 'Sooley', as he's nicknamed by his classmates, must make hard choices about his future. This quiet, dedicated boy must do what no other player has achieved in the history of his chosen game: become a legend in twelve short months. Global bestseller John Grisham takes you to a different kind of court in this gripping and incredibly moving novel that showcases his storytelling powers in an entirely new light.
'Grisham's books are smart, imaginative, and funny, populated by complex interesting people' - The Washington Post'A superb, instinctive storyteller' - The Times350+ million copies, 45 languages, 9 blockbuster films:NO ONE WRITES DRAMA LIKE JOHN GRISHAM

Detalii produs
Sooley : The Gripping Bestseller from John Grisham
- Dimensiune 197x128x25
- Număr pagini 368
- Editura Hodder & Stoughton
- Autor John Grisham
- Anul publicării 2022
- Limba Limba engleza
- ISBN 9781529368048
- Scor Bestseller #741 în categoria Carti fictiune in limba engleza#1065 în categoria Carti in limba engleza#21878 în categoria Carti
Despre John Grisham

BOOKZONE iti pune la dispozitie toate cartile scrise de catre
John Grisham inclusiv volume lansate in exclusivitate, carti
in limba engleza si noutati. John Grisham se bucura de un
succes rasunator la nivelul international, cu zeci de mii de
exemplare vandute din fiecare carte. Felul in care scrie si
contureaza personajele reprezinta principalele atuuri ale
John Grisham. Fiecare carte scrisa de
John Grisham este citita cu drag de mii de oameni.
Poti gasi toate cartile scrie de catre John Grisham in categoria John Grisham astfel incat ai ocazia sa toate cartile indragite de catre cititori pana acum.
Poti gasi toate cartile scrie de catre John Grisham in categoria John Grisham astfel incat ai ocazia sa toate cartile indragite de catre cititori pana acum.
Autorul cărților:
Sirul de Platani - Carte de buzunar, SOOLEY, Ford County, Si vine vremea indurarii, Juriul, Avocatul rebel, Uragan pe insula Camino, … Si vreme e ca sa ucizi, Informatorul, Testamentul, Baietii din Biloxi, Firma, Avocatul strazii, Calico Joe, Testamentul, The Exchange : After The Firm - The biggest Grisham in over a decade, Nevinovatul, Litigiul, Un altfel de Craciun, The Reckoning : The Sunday Times Number One Bestseller, Fotbal si pizza, Primul caz al lui Theodore Boone, puștiul avocat, Barul Rooster, Sooley : The Gripping Bestseller from John Grisham, Lista judecatorului, Partenerul
Linkuri utile
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