KIND : The quiet power of kindness at work
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Specificații KIND : The quiet power of kindness at work
Rezumat KIND : The quiet power of kindness at work - Graham Allcott
What if someone told you the key to success was kindness?
While it doesn't always make headlines, there is a growing recognition that kindness is vital to strong performance at work. In the broad range of leadership skills, kindness is inherently quieter, more personal and harder to see - and yes, less interesting or cinematic than controversial tweets and 'bullying boss' behaviour. But kindness builds empathy and trust, which ultimately creates a sense of psychological safety - and that safety leads to more creativity; a better quality of decision-making; safer critical thinking; higher levels of staff loyalty, flexibility and retention; a heightened sense of engagement; and, ultimately, higher productivity and profitability.
In KIND, Graham Allcott explores how we can create work cultures that encourage kindness.
He argues that, far from being a 'fluffy' or nebulous idea, kindness and empathy are 21st century superpowers, which can transform any organization into a dynamic environment where people want to work. The author aims to convince the doubters, as well as helping already 'kindful' people, to articulate the power of kindness and make a stronger case for its greater profile in their working environments.
Drawing on psychology and neuroscience as well as management theory and business research, he shows how kindness helps encourage productive and positive work cultures. From busting three important myths that need to be addressed to engage the more cynical reader - or the reader's more cynical colleagues - to covering 'The Eight Principles of Kindfulness at Work', Graham Allcott offers practical advice on how to make kindfulness part of the fabric of your working life so both you and your team can thrive.

KIND : The quiet power of kindness at work
- Dimensiune 152x233
- Editura Bloomsbury Publishing (UK)
- Autor Graham Allcott
- Anul publicării 2024
- ISBN 9781399417372
- Scor Bestseller #351 în categoria Carti in limba engleza#20315 în categoria Carti

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