J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

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58.41 Lei

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Specificații Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Număr pagini
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
J.K. Rowling
Anul publicării
Limba engleza

Rezumat Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - J.K. Rowling

Loved by millions of readers worldwide, let the sixth story in the greatest children’s book series of all time take you on an unforgettable journey. The hope and wonder of Harry Potter’s world will make you want to escape to Hogwarts again and again. There’s magic on every page!When Dumbledore arrives at Privet Drive one summer night to collect Harry Potter, his wand hand is blackened and shrivelled, but he does not reveal why.

Secrets and suspicion are spreading through the wizarding world, and Hogwarts itself is not safe. Harry is convinced that Malfoy bears the Dark Mark: there is a Death Eater amongst them. Harry will need powerful magic and true friends as he explores Voldemort’s darkest secrets, and Dumbledore prepares him to face his destiny …J.K.

Rowling’s enduringly popular Harry Potter books continue to captivate new generations of readers. Harry’s sixth adventure alongside his friends, Ron and Hermione, invites you to explore even more of the wizarding world; from the comforting cosiness of The Burrow to the brutal squalor of the Gaunt house. This gorgeous paperback edition features a spectacular cover by award-winning artist Jonny Duddle, plus refreshed bonus material, including a quiz to see how much you really know about the Dark Arts.

Get ready for the magical journey of a lifetime!FOES - FEAR - FELIX FELICISSeven magical stories, one epic adventure. **********************************Praise for the Harry Potter books:‘That rare thing, a series of stories adored by parents and children alike.’ – Daily Telegraph‘A phenomenon … Grown men in suits have been spotted with them on trains. Parents squabble over who gets to read them to the kids, and teachers say a chapter can silence the most rowdy of classes.’ – Guardian‘One of the greatest literary adventures of modern times.’ – Sunday Telegraph‘Spellbinding, enchanting, bewitching stuff.’ – Mirror‘The only thing wrong with it is that you can’t put it down.’ – Fiona Chadwick, 9 years old‘It is very funny.

I would love to be Harry and make up some magic spell to play on my teachers.’ – Tom El-Shawk, 11 years old‘My mum loved it so much she would not let my dad read any of it to me.’ – Alexander Benn, 7 and 9¼ years old‘It’s for all ages and it’s brilliant.’ – Katrina Farrant, 10 years old

Detalii produs
Despre J.K. Rowling
J.K. Rowling
BOOKZONE iti pune la dispozitie toate cartile scrise de catre J.K. Rowling inclusiv volume lansate in exclusivitate, carti in limba engleza si noutati. J.K. Rowling se bucura de un succes rasunator la nivelul international, cu zeci de mii de exemplare vandute din fiecare carte. Felul in care scrie si contureaza personajele reprezinta principalele atuuri ale J.K. Rowling. Fiecare carte scrisa de J.K. Rowling este citita cu drag de mii de oameni.
Poti gasi toate cartile scrie de catre J.K. Rowling in categoria J.K. Rowling astfel incat ai ocazia sa toate cartile indragite de catre cititori pana acum.
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