Games Untold
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Specificații Games Untold
Rezumat Games Untold - Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Romance, luxury, and secrets abound in this thrilling new collection that takes readers deeper into the world of the #1 bestselling Inheritance Games series
There is nothing frivolous about the way a Hawthorne man loves.
An amnesiac playboy and the woman with every reason to hate him. A daredevil, his favorite heiress, and three nights in Prague. An unlikely pairing between a cowboy and a goth. Four brothers with an inescapable bond, strengthened by the family they chose, in a house of wonders that promises to always deliver one more secret.
Discover their stories of love and loss, power, puzzles, and life-and-death secrets in this mind-blowingly romantic collection that proves that when you love the way Hawthornes love, there is no going back.

Games Untold
- Dimensiune 143x223
- Număr pagini 448
- Autor Jennifer Lynn Barnes
- Anul publicării 2024
- ISBN 9780241684344
- Scor Bestseller #41 în categoria Carti fictiune in limba engleza#60 în categoria Carti in limba engleza#12433 în categoria Carti

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