Mark Manson
Everything Is F*cked : A Book About Hope
Limba engleza
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Specificații Everything Is F*cked : A Book About Hope
Număr pagini
HarperCollins Publishers Inc
Mark Manson
Anul publicării
Limba engleza
Rezumat Everything Is F*cked : A Book About Hope - Mark Manson
New York Times Bestseller“Just because everything appears to be a mess doesn’t mean you have to be one. Mark Manson’s book is a call to arms for a better life and better world and could not be more needed right now.” — Ryan Holiday, bestselling author of The Obstacle is the Way and Ego is the EnemyFrom the author of the international mega-bestseller The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck comes a counterintuitive guide to the problems of hope. We live in an interesting time.
Materially, everything is the best it’s ever been—we are freer, healthier and wealthier than any people in human history. Yet, somehow everything seems to be irreparably and horribly f*cked—the planet is warming, governments are failing, economies are collapsing, and everyone is perpetually offended on Twitter. At this moment in history, when we have access to technology, education and communication our ancestors couldn’t even dream of, so many of us come back to an overriding feeling of hopelessness.
What’s going on? If anyone can put a name to our current malaise and help fix it, it’s Mark Manson. In 2016, Manson published The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck, a book that brilliantly gave shape to the ever-present, low-level hum of anxiety that permeates modern living. He showed us that technology had made it too easy to care about the wrong things, that our culture had convinced us that the world owed us something when it didn’t—and worst of all, that our modern and maddening urge to always find happiness only served to make us unhappier.
Instead, the “subtle art” of that title turned out to be a bold challenge: to choose your struggle; to narrow and focus and find the pain you want to sustain. The result was a book that became an international phenomenon, selling millions of copies worldwide while becoming the #1 bestseller in 13 different countries. In Everthing Is F*cked, Manson turns his gaze from the inevitable flaws within each individual self to the endless calamities taking place in the world around us.
Drawing from the pool of psychological research on these topics, as well as the timeless wisdom of philosophers such as Plato, Nietzsche, and Tom Waits, he dissects religion and politics and the uncomfortable ways they have come to resemble one another. He looks at our relationships with money, entertainment and the internet, and how too much of a good thing can psychologically eat us alive. He openly defies our definitions of faith, happiness, freedom—and even of hope itself.
With his usual mix of erudition and where-the-f*ck-did-that-come-from humor, Manson takes us by the collar and challenges us to be more honest with ourselves and connected with the world in ways we probably haven’t considered before. It’s another counterintuitive romp through the pain in our hearts and the stress of our soul. One of the great modern writers has produced another book that will set the agenda for years to come.
Materially, everything is the best it’s ever been—we are freer, healthier and wealthier than any people in human history. Yet, somehow everything seems to be irreparably and horribly f*cked—the planet is warming, governments are failing, economies are collapsing, and everyone is perpetually offended on Twitter. At this moment in history, when we have access to technology, education and communication our ancestors couldn’t even dream of, so many of us come back to an overriding feeling of hopelessness.
What’s going on? If anyone can put a name to our current malaise and help fix it, it’s Mark Manson. In 2016, Manson published The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck, a book that brilliantly gave shape to the ever-present, low-level hum of anxiety that permeates modern living. He showed us that technology had made it too easy to care about the wrong things, that our culture had convinced us that the world owed us something when it didn’t—and worst of all, that our modern and maddening urge to always find happiness only served to make us unhappier.
Instead, the “subtle art” of that title turned out to be a bold challenge: to choose your struggle; to narrow and focus and find the pain you want to sustain. The result was a book that became an international phenomenon, selling millions of copies worldwide while becoming the #1 bestseller in 13 different countries. In Everthing Is F*cked, Manson turns his gaze from the inevitable flaws within each individual self to the endless calamities taking place in the world around us.
Drawing from the pool of psychological research on these topics, as well as the timeless wisdom of philosophers such as Plato, Nietzsche, and Tom Waits, he dissects religion and politics and the uncomfortable ways they have come to resemble one another. He looks at our relationships with money, entertainment and the internet, and how too much of a good thing can psychologically eat us alive. He openly defies our definitions of faith, happiness, freedom—and even of hope itself.
With his usual mix of erudition and where-the-f*ck-did-that-come-from humor, Manson takes us by the collar and challenges us to be more honest with ourselves and connected with the world in ways we probably haven’t considered before. It’s another counterintuitive romp through the pain in our hearts and the stress of our soul. One of the great modern writers has produced another book that will set the agenda for years to come.

Detalii produs
Everything Is F*cked : A Book About Hope
- Dimensiune 135x202x27
- Număr pagini 288
- Editura HarperCollins Publishers Inc
- Autor Mark Manson
- Anul publicării 2021
- Limba Limba engleza
- ISBN 9780063091054
- Scor Bestseller #1036 în categoria Carti in limba engleza#21196 în categoria Carti
Despre Mark Manson

BOOKZONE iti pune la dispozitie toate cartile scrise de catre
Mark Manson inclusiv volume lansate in exclusivitate, carti
in limba engleza si noutati. Mark Manson se bucura de un
succes rasunator la nivelul international, cu zeci de mii de
exemplare vandute din fiecare carte. Felul in care scrie si
contureaza personajele reprezinta principalele atuuri ale
Mark Manson. Fiecare carte scrisa de
Mark Manson este citita cu drag de mii de oameni.
Poti gasi toate cartile scrie de catre Mark Manson in categoria Mark Manson astfel incat ai ocazia sa toate cartile indragite de catre cititori pana acum.
Poti gasi toate cartile scrie de catre Mark Manson in categoria Mark Manson astfel incat ai ocazia sa toate cartile indragite de catre cititori pana acum.
Autorul cărților:
Linkuri utile
Carti beletristicaCarti dezvoltare personalaCarti fictiuneCarti horror (de groaza)Carti de dragoste, romantice si despre iubireCarti politisteCarti fantasyCarti psihologiceCarti nutritie, sanatate si de slabitCarti dieteCarti despre sarcina si nastereCarti educatie financiaraCarti management si leadershipCarti marketing si vanzariCarti de istorieCarti pentru copiiCarti Parintele NeculaCarti Dr. Alexandru CiureaCarti Parintele Vasile IoanaCarti Constantin DulcanCarti Parintele DobosCarti Roxie NafousiCarti Florentina FantanaruCarti Gina BradeaCarti Psiholog Dr. Raluca AntonCarti Mihai MorarCarti Robert JackmanCarti Andreea SavulescuCarti Dr. Shefali TsabaryCarti Dan NegruCarti Monica MihaiCarti Irina BinderCarti Vi KeelandCarti Tom PercivalCarti Vi KeelandCarti Amanda F DoeringCarti Melissa HigginsCarti Anays M.Carti FixikiCarti Cécile AlixCarti Dama De TreflaCarti Florin PiersicCarti Dr. Deepak ChopraCarti Theona BalanCarti Dr. Mihail PautovCarti Sfantul Nectarie
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